KOPI GADING CEMPAKA (KGC) is a coffee product brand derived from the combination of the legendary Putri Gading Cempaka’s name and the oldest village in North Bengkulu, namely Aur Gading village, Lubuk Durian.
Aur Gading village which is located in Lubuk Durian, North Bengkulu, Bengkulu, was once a territory under Dutch control. It served as a tribute collection center and also became an alternative trade route to Curup City.
The term ‘Kopi Gading’ has been in existence since 1920, popularized by the Dutch to establish an identity for the ground coffee produced by a family in Aur Gading Village that succeeded in captivating the Dutch. In that same year, coffee cultivation began on a massive scale, encouraged by the Dutch.
Later in 2016, as coffee regained popularity, the name Kopi Gading associated with Aur Gading Village underwent rebranding. The name was modified by adding the last names from the legendary Putri Gading Cempaka, thus becoming Kopi Gading Cempaka as a Small and Medium-sized Enterprise (Indonesia: UKM).